Stoves and Boiler Stoves

Can I retro fit a stove?

In most homes a stove can be fitted into the existing fireplace. The main things that a stove will require is a chimney suitable for the new unit. It is often recommended thatContinue reading

Geo-Thermal and Air Source Heat Pumps

In Brief

Heat pumps use the same principle of work that a fridge uses. In simple terms a fridge takes the warm air from inside and pumps it out leaving the inside cold. A highly insulated food chamber and quality door seals prevent further heat gain until the door is opened once again.
An Air Source heat pump takes the warmth from outside air and pumps it into a building. A Ground Source heat pump does the same only it uses the temperatures found below the soil.

Minor Correction of Public Perception

Geo-Thermal heat pumps are often Continue reading

Combined Heat and Power

For many years now there have been major industrial plants using the by product of heat generated by their machines to provide space heating for their premesis. Some have harnessed this heat and used it to create electricity, much like many of our fuel burning power stations.

Some went a step further and installed generators to create their own electricity and used the heat from this process to carry out other functions in their factories.

Domestic and Small Business

There is a trial in operation in Ireland at present where Continue reading


In Brief

FireplaceIn days gone by, every home relied heavily on the good old fireplace. You could throw in the sod of turf,  half a bale of briquettes, cut logs and coal. The smoke would often fill the room when someone opened a door too fast but it was cosy. “Isn’t the open fire great”, or “It’s lovely and cosy”, are famous terms used to describe the good old open fire. More often than not though nowadays these phrases are followed by, “It’s an awful shame so much heat is lost up the chimney!”

How much heat is lost up the chimney?

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Heating Control Systems

In homes built in Ireland in the 70s and 80s, it was normal to have a circuit of hot water heating all radiators and the cylinder in the “hot press”. An oil burner of one type or another was the predominant method of heating the system. It was such an effective method that it has remained a choice for many up to now, with only a few changes. The most notable change has been the introduction of zones.

Zoned Heating

Building regulations over time have introduced Continue reading